About us

Lombardi Belgium

Who we are

Lombardi Belgium, specialist in mobility and traffic management solutions.

Together with our dedicated team, we aim to improve travel in the Brussels-Capital region by ensuring a smooth and safe flow of traffic. From our centralized management approach to our focus on tunnel safety and crisis management support, we offer a range of services underpinned by our expertise and commitment.

Lombardi Belgium specializes in traffic management and mobility in the Brussels-Capital Region. Made up of a team of 30 dedicated people, Lombardi Belgium works every day to ensure safe and smooth traffic flow on the region's roads.

Lombardi Belgium's team members fall into several key roles.

  • Operators play a crucial role in detecting and managing incidents 24/7. They liaise with emergency services and technical teams, while providing traffic information to road users.
  • Supervisors ensure continuity of information between partner services, while reporting and processing requests.
  • Mobility managers analyze and optimize traffic flows using intelligent systems, while specialized project managers focus on mobility systems, safety procedures and specific road infrastructures.

Lombardi Belgium provides comprehensive expertise in a variety of fields. Qualified personnel have extensive experience in centralized traffic management, control room organization, tunnel operation and maintenance, as well as crisis management and communication. The company also offers both basic and advanced training in these fields.

Tunnel safety is a major concern for Lombardi Belgium. The company offers expertise and consultancy services in tunnel safety, both in normal operation and during renovation projects. It also specializes in drafting safety procedures and documents, guaranteeing high safety standards in all its operations.

Lombardi Belgium adopts a multimodal vision, with a focus on urban intermodality based on the "STOP" principle. The company works closely with Belgian universities and colleges. It offers internship opportunities and supervises final-year projects, encouraging the exchange of knowledge and the development of new ideas.

Trust, commitment and team spirit are Lombardi Belgium's core values. The company is recognized for its expertise in road operation and urban infrastructure, as well as for its role as an expert in safety and mobility. It continues a tradition of innovation, adapting to technological developments and offering cutting-edge solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of mobility.

In short, Lombardi Belgium is a leading company in the field of traffic and mobility management, offering comprehensive expertise, a multimodal vision and a commitment to the safety and satisfaction of road users in the Brussels-Capital Region.


Dedicated professionals


of roads, 15km of freeways and 13km of tunnels to be monitored in real time


Cameras available on the network

For Web Centre Mobiris 17

Traffic light junctions


Vehicles per day on the network

"At Lombardi, we value teamwork. Alone, we won't make it; together, we find solutions. Collaboration is the key to success." 
Magali Mathy, Director Lombardi Belgium
«At Lombardi, we value teamwork. Alone, we won't make it; together, we find solutions. Collaboration is the key to success.» Magali Mathy, Directrice Lombardi Belgique